Meillä on iloisia uutisia: TÄSSÄ ON UUSI BUS4LIFE!
Uusi kirjastoauto ostettiin torstaina 14.8. Hankasalmen kunnalta. Vaikka kyseessä
on vanha auto, on sen mittarissa vasta 180 000 km. Ennen kuin uudella
bussilla päästään Itä-Eurooppaan, pitää siihen tehdä suurehko remontti.
Ulkokuori maalataan, sisälle asennetaan äänentoisto- ja videolaitteet,
sähköä varten tarvitaan aggregaatti, auto tarvitsee keittiön ja
kuljettajan makuutilat, istuinpaikkoja tarvitaan lisää, jne.
Remonttibudjettia laaditaan parhaillaan. Se tulee olemaan useiden
tuhansien suuruinen. Haluaisitko sinä tehdä lahjoituksen ja siten
investoida tulevaisuuden Bus4Life-työhön?
Uusi bussi on suuri rukousvastaus. Olemme siitä kiitollisia Jumalalle.
Uusi bussi on suuri rukousvastaus. Olemme siitä kiitollisia Jumalalle.
We have some very exciting news: WE HAVE A NEW BUS!
The vehicle was purchased yesterday. While not brand new, this bus only has 180,000 km on it. Before officially becoming the new Bus4Life vehicle, the bus needs to undergo major changes in order to become fully functional for ministry. This will require several thousands of euros (exact budget is in the making). Would you consider making a donation through your national OM office to help out with the costs? Thank you.
As many of you know, we have been praying for a new vehicle for a long time. God has heard us and he is good!
The vehicle was purchased yesterday. While not brand new, this bus only has 180,000 km on it. Before officially becoming the new Bus4Life vehicle, the bus needs to undergo major changes in order to become fully functional for ministry. This will require several thousands of euros (exact budget is in the making). Would you consider making a donation through your national OM office to help out with the costs? Thank you.
As many of you know, we have been praying for a new vehicle for a long time. God has heard us and he is good!